A ferocious rush of Komodo dragons into the village leads to horrific goat massacres and pitbull attacks

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Komodo dragons are inherently ferocious carnivores thanks to their extremely strong jaws and serrated teeth that resemble shark teeth. People on Komodo Island (Indonesia) call them “land crocodiles” or “giant lizards”.

A goat had to confront an extremely dangerous enemy, the Komodo dragon, a predator that can take down even a large water buffalo with just one venomous bite. What will be the fate of this goat?

The Komodo dragon’s method of defeating its prey is to bite the victim’s body and then tear open the wound. It’s not just a normal bite but is filled with venom that will cause the prey to be poisoned and die.

However, the goat was not afraid and fought very resiliently, using its horns to hit the enemy to prevent the dangerous bite from the Komodo dragon. It even made the dragon run away, but not long after, the whole flock of dragons came and the goat was killed.

Suddenly, a nearby dog rushed to the rescue, but before he could rescue the baby goat, he was surrounded by dragons who frantically bit him and injected him with poison that paralyzed the dog, causing it to lose its ability to fight back.

In the end, the goat and dog were both brutally eaten by the komodo dragon. A horrifying and extremely scary battle took place, scaring many tourists.

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