Amazing friendship between a leopard and a crow: An unexpected connection between two unlikely friends

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The enigma behind these images of leopards and cows that is not yet fully understood

In Gujarat, India, a surprising situation has arisen involving an unusual relationship between a wild leopard and a cow, generating a riddle that baffles those trying to puzzle it out.


According to the original story published on the O’Forest website, the incident took place in 2002. Despite various social media posts claiming that the leopard’s mother was killed and that the cow provided her with milk and comfort This claim is simply not true. However, the story remains extraordinarily captivating.

It all started with an increase in complaints about leopard sightings in the Atoli village. Given this, the forest guardians made the decision to move some of these leopards to a beautiful wooded environment.

It was at this time that events began to take an intriguing turn.

A family that owned a cow and two males observed that a leopard began to visit his cow.


The leopard only seemed to be interested in the cow’s ear, completely ignoring the two calves. When they met, aggression was generated by the leopard and fear by the cow.

The two unusual companions seemed completely at ease with each other.

The leopard visited the cow constantly from October 8 to October 22, making regular flights, generally between 9:30 p.m. m. and 11:00 p.m. m. Then, from December 0 to December 29, the leopard stayed away, although it was sighted in the vicinity.

The interaction between the leopard and the cow continued until the first week of March, when the leopard finally withdrew.


There are several interpretations for this unusual behavior. Some suggest that the previously captured female leopard could have been the mother of the visiting leopard.

“It was incomprehensible to me why the leopard would regularly meet the cow and get involved in a relationship that was not peculiar to its species. It was even more surprising to understand how a cow accepted its enemy and treated it with affection, as if it were its own calf,” said the author. “The cow would sometimes lick the cat’s head and appear to groom it. In fact, to many observers, it seemed that the cow showed the same affection towards the leopard that she would towards her own calf.

We may never be able to say for sure what the truth behind this interaction was, but it is clear that the relationship between the cow and the leopard was strange and one of a kind.

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