Baby Born Without Eyes Awaits a Loving Home

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Baby Sasha with a nurse at Tomsk specialised children orphanage

Little Joseph arrived in this world different than other newborns. Born with a rare condition called anophthalmia, he has no eyes. But this has not stopped Joseph from being a happy, smiling baby who brings joy to those around him.


At just 3 months old, Joseph loves to snuggle, giggle, and explore his surroundings by touch and sound. He was born in November 2022 and is currently cared for by a foster family through the Adoption Center agency. As he gets older, Joseph will need a loving, permanent adoptive home that can provide for his unique needs.


Joseph’s foster mom Chloe describes him as a calm, content baby: “He loves being held and falls asleep on my chest as I walk around swaying him. He startles easily if there’s a loud noise but calms down quickly, especially if I start singing to him.”

Despite having no eyes, doctors say Joseph’s other senses are strong. His brain is still capable of sight processing. With the help of visual aids and mobility training later on, Joseph can go on to live a full, independent life. He will achieve the same milestones as sighted children, just in his own way.


The ideal adoptive parents for Joseph will be patient, accepting of differences, and open to learning how to best support him. While caring for a child with blindness requires some adaptations, the joys and rewards are great. Love and early intervention services are key to helping Joseph thrive.


Anophthalmia and other visual impairments occur in about 3 of every 10,000 births. The exact cause is often unknown, but research suggests a combination of genetic and environmental factors. As Joseph grows up, connecting with others who share his condition can provide valuable support.


For now, Joseph continues to win hearts with his extra snuggles and bright, toy-finding hands. He shows that it’s one’s spirit – not one’s eyes – that allow us to embrace life’s beauty. Joseph’s ‘blindness’ may be a challenge, but his delight in each day shines as a blessing.

This special boy awaits a home that will shower him with as much love as he freely gives. With an open heart and some guidance, becoming Joseph’s forever family promises to be a journey full of joy.

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