Sliding down the grassy hill with pleasure

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One of the most beautiful moments of everyone’s life is their childhood, as it is a period in our lives with not a lot of responsibilities and we all enjoy it. When we grow up, we wish we could turn back time to such amazing moments and realize that it will never come back again. The only thing that we can do is be nostalgic.  At the point when we were kids, we simply adored sliding down a slope utilizing various things, for example, metals or cardboard boxes.


Nobody could understand our delight when it was snowing on the ground. It was one of the most amazing things to describe our childhood and I am pretty sure that a lot of you miss it and would like to bring back the time. In any case, it would seem that we are by all accounts not the only ones who appreciate sliding in light of the fact that the group of ponies you are going to watch in the video. live it up while sliding around on the grass and body-sledding down the grassy slope.


The video was caught on Cape Toi, Japan as four major ponies move on their backs and begin sliding while excited foal watches from the side. As we watch the video we observe that ponies enjoy extraordinary doing what they are doing as they hang out together and absorb the mid-year sun. Possibly, they are additionally attempting to take care of them, have a sliding race down the slope, or maybe released themselves of bothering flies.


Whatever it is, this video just fills our heart with joy and puts a smile on our appearances, and we realize that ponies can generally do that. After all, we and horses are not quite different from each other. We are similar in a lot of aspects and when it comes to the things that we like, we are not that different either. This is one of the reasons why I love them so much and I am pretty sure that they will be part of my life until the day I die. Please have a look at the video below and let us know what you think.

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