The Thrilling Battle as Allies Unite Against an Enormous Python

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Terrifying: The giant python squeezes the hyena 70 kilogam and swallows the prey in its stomach

According to National Geographic, Jos Bakker, a Dutch website designer, recently filmed a 4-meter-long African rock python eating a 70kg hyena.

Mr. Holekamp’s colleagues, including assistants Mike Kowalski and Olivia Spagnuolo, say they have never seen a python able to subdue a large and intelligent predator like a hyena.

The hyena prowled around the tall grasslands, not knowing the presence of a giant python lurking nearby. The python discovered the approaching hyena, it lay motionless waiting for the hyena to pass and then knock it down.

Too suddenly unable to react, the hyena was attacked by the python, squeezing its body into the hyena, making it unable to resist. With the strong force of the python, after only a few minutes, the hyena died because of the broken find.

“For a target like a hyena, the python has to act perfectly,” Kowalski said. “If it doesn’t squeeze the hyena in time, the victim can easily tear off the python’s head with its claws.”

The python will then try to swallow the prey whole, no matter how large the hyena is, it will still swallow it quickly and accurately.

As for the large hyena victim, the python won’t need to eat anything more for months afterward.

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